all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 1DT 16 0 52.650153 -2.450977
TF3 1DU 10 0 52.656468 -2.447361
TF3 1DW 1 1 52.65501 -2.435711
TF3 1DX 11 0 52.659641 -2.445234
TF3 1DY 25 3 52.656857 -2.446684
TF3 1DZ 5 0 52.659997 -2.446169
TF3 1EA 2 0 52.658918 -2.44286
TF3 1EB 12 0 52.658658 -2.441174
TF3 1ED 25 0 52.651704 -2.451865
TF3 1EE 33 0 52.654625 -2.445036
TF3 1EF 2 0 52.654474 -2.433901
TF3 1EG 24 0 52.655718 -2.445919
TF3 1EH 12 0 52.655601 -2.44852
TF3 1EJ 21 0 52.654883 -2.448172
TF3 1EL 7 0 52.655238 -2.447023
TF3 1EN 23 0 52.654268 -2.446732
TF3 1EP 10 0 52.654869 -2.447078
TF3 1EQ 10 0 52.651846 -2.454852
TF3 1ER 9 0 52.654808 -2.446545
TF3 1ES 3 0 52.655729 -2.447841