all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 3BU 1 1 52.673033 -2.411045
TF3 3BW 1 1 52.677069 -2.42645
TF3 3DE 10 9 52.679695 -2.435054
TF3 3DG 10 9 52.672579 -2.424291
TF3 3DJ 1 1 52.680052 -2.429393
TF3 3DN 15 14 52.672497 -2.424334
TF3 3WT 1 1 52.64086 -2.444613
TF3 3WY 1 1 52.640845 -2.444615
TF3 3DD 0 52.679194 -2.43539
TF3 3BL 1 52.677369 -2.420493
TF3 3AF 1 52.677445 -2.424428
TF3 3AL 3 52.6685 -2.423438