all postcodes in TF6 / TELFORD

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF6 5ER 0 52.705625 -2.603324
TF6 5ES 0 52.697625 -2.597173
TF6 5ET 0 52.698017 -2.594843
TF6 5EU 0 52.69942 -2.592953
TF6 5EX 1 52.71581 -2.56875
TF6 5EY 0 52.703493 -2.574702
TF6 5EZ 0 52.702689 -2.560528
TF6 5HA 0 52.698648 -2.572596
TF6 5HB 1 52.698012 -2.570324
TF6 5HD 2 52.695354 -2.577051
TF6 5HE 1 52.695313 -2.574431
TF6 5HG 0 52.688697 -2.596196
TF6 5HH 1 52.681768 -2.597581
TF6 5HJ 0 52.681003 -2.595958
TF6 5HN 2 52.681738 -2.591057
TF6 5HP 0 52.681827 -2.589401
TF6 5HQ 0 52.687341 -2.611844
TF6 5HR 0 52.676393 -2.577422
TF6 5HW 1 52.681486 -2.592829
TF6 5WA 0 52.699797 -2.519838