all postcodes in TF6 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF6 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF6 5WE 1 52.699797 -2.519838
TF6 5DY 3 3 52.708686 -2.593479
TF6 5BF 40 0 52.691418 -2.535969
TF6 5DT 34 0 52.691371 -2.534607
TF6 5DU 0 52.692252 -2.535153
TF6 5DP 2 0 52.704664 -2.556541
TF6 6AA 0 52.753621 -2.590176
TF6 6AB 0 52.754723 -2.600387
TF6 6AD 0 52.754145 -2.601016
TF6 6AE 1 52.753736 -2.603603
TF6 6AF 1 52.75209 -2.603758
TF6 6AG 3 52.753036 -2.605268
TF6 6AH 0 52.754275 -2.605448
TF6 6AJ 0 52.754122 -2.60386
TF6 6AL 0 52.755001 -2.604243
TF6 6AN 0 52.760659 -2.608841
TF6 6AP 2 52.760915 -2.602025
TF6 6AQ 0 52.753229 -2.606144
TF6 6AR 0 52.763051 -2.610327
TF6 6AS 0 52.764863 -2.608793