all postcodes in TF9 / MARKET DRAYTON

find any address or company within the TF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF9 1DJ 28 0 52.897397 -2.495119
TF9 1DL 28 0 52.896986 -2.494638
TF9 1DN 20 0 52.897281 -2.492665
TF9 1DP 6 0 52.896264 -2.49744
TF9 1DQ 35 3 52.896951 -2.498518
TF9 1DR 16 0 52.895817 -2.496676
TF9 1DS 1 0 52.894728 -2.49708
TF9 1DT 7 0 52.89575 -2.497805
TF9 1DU 37 0 52.895036 -2.498689
TF9 1DW 3 1 52.896968 -2.492379
TF9 1DX 7 0 52.895671 -2.499336
TF9 1DY 19 0 52.89676 -2.501325
TF9 1DZ 15 0 52.897739 -2.500711
TF9 1EA 27 0 52.895315 -2.500803
TF9 1EB 22 0 52.905475 -2.482945
TF9 1ED 10 0 52.896932 -2.496734
TF9 1EF 28 0 52.907096 -2.488092
TF9 1EG 19 1 52.905935 -2.484049
TF9 1EH 8 0 52.906021 -2.483501
TF9 1EJ 58 0 52.908294 -2.483794