all postcodes in TF9 / MARKET DRAYTON

find any address or company within the TF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF9 1EL 9 0 52.898568 -2.483581
TF9 1EN 15 0 52.907463 -2.482491
TF9 1EP 13 1 52.90618 -2.481986
TF9 1EQ 21 1 52.906224 -2.484262
TF9 1ER 11 0 52.906604 -2.481441
TF9 1ES 6 0 52.906337 -2.480828
TF9 1ET 9 0 52.906399 -2.480412
TF9 1EU 6 0 52.906147 -2.480513
TF9 1EW 16 2 52.906681 -2.482497
TF9 1EX 9 0 52.906112 -2.48026
TF9 1EY 11 0 52.906764 -2.479703
TF9 1EZ 2 0 52.906422 -2.479223
TF9 1HA 25 0 52.907434 -2.480944
TF9 1HB 6 0 52.908037 -2.480624
TF9 1HD 16 0 52.907132 -2.47996
TF9 1HE 2 0 52.907095 -2.475052
TF9 1HF 1 1 52.905794 -2.477343
TF9 1HG 24 0 52.906924 -2.47795
TF9 1HH 39 3 52.908619 -2.472274
TF9 1HJ 7 0 52.908238 -2.479779