all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2HJ 0 51.141337 0.273147
TN1 2HN 1 51.140167 0.274118
TN1 2HP 0 51.140803 0.274162
TN1 2HQ 1 51.140939 0.272755
TN1 2HR 0 51.140407 0.274245
TN1 2HS 0 51.141015 0.274403
TN1 2HT 0 51.142175 0.27396
TN1 2HU 0 51.142672 0.273398
TN1 2HW 1 51.133784 0.272561
TN1 2HX 0 51.141981 0.273677
TN1 2HY 0 51.141351 0.273732
TN1 2JA 0 51.141837 0.2733
TN1 2JB 3 51.142389 0.273155
TN1 2JD 0 51.141856 0.272227
TN1 2JE 0 51.141663 0.272562
TN1 2JF 0 51.138962 0.271685
TN1 2JG 0 51.140504 0.272875
TN1 2JH 0 51.140261 0.27205
TN1 2JJ 0 51.139694 0.271579
TN1 2JL 0 51.133806 0.270518