all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

find any address or company within the TN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2JN 1 51.13232 0.272003
TN1 2JP 0 51.13315 0.273716
TN1 2JQ 0 51.139814 0.272843
TN1 2JR 0 51.133395 0.272699
TN1 2JS 0 51.134575 0.272143
TN1 2JT 0 51.134174 0.271494
TN1 2JU 0 51.133367 0.271296
TN1 2JW 0 51.133785 0.27013
TN1 2JX 0 51.132663 0.269662
TN1 2JY 0 51.137802 0.273515
TN1 2JZ 1 51.136843 0.273898
TN1 2LA 0 51.139303 0.273647
TN1 2LB 0 51.139515 0.274344
TN1 2LD 0 51.140108 0.274373
TN1 2LE 0 51.140264 0.275022
TN1 2LG 0 51.139513 0.275714
TN1 2LH 0 51.139495 0.275256
TN1 2LJ 0 51.138694 0.274904
TN1 2LL 0 51.138087 0.275073
TN1 2LN 0 51.141898 0.275247