all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 3JQ 0 51.28126 0.190424
TN13 3JR 0 51.280877 0.189244
TN13 3JS 0 51.279915 0.191665
TN13 3JT 0 51.281871 0.190898
TN13 3JU 0 51.282878 0.188034
TN13 3JW 0 51.280004 0.184456
TN13 3JX 0 51.282318 0.192023
TN13 3JY 0 51.281604 0.189336
TN13 3JZ 0 51.283168 0.193225
TN13 3LA 0 51.283704 0.184288
TN13 3LB 2 51.284552 0.186005
TN13 3LD 1 51.283468 0.186786
TN13 3LE 1 51.287266 0.183768
TN13 3LF 0 51.28482 0.185187
TN13 3LG 0 51.283096 0.18456
TN13 3LH 1 51.28134 0.182741
TN13 3LJ 1 51.280215 0.181828
TN13 3LP 0 51.284601 0.193064
TN13 3LQ 0 51.282339 0.183692
TN13 3LR 2 51.28293 0.193457