all postcodes in TN13 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN13 3LS 0 51.283862 0.191681
TN13 3LT 0 51.284536 0.192659
TN13 3LU 0 51.284505 0.190965
TN13 3LW 2 51.282966 0.193918
TN13 3LX 0 51.284834 0.191153
TN13 3LY 0 51.284781 0.194478
TN13 3LZ 1 51.285041 0.193558
TN13 3NA 0 51.285584 0.192881
TN13 3NB 0 51.286156 0.192607
TN13 3ND 1 51.285444 0.190279
TN13 3NE 0 51.28722 0.191482
TN13 3NF 0 51.283389 0.193924
TN13 3NG 0 51.286643 0.190608
TN13 3NH 0 51.286574 0.195236
TN13 3NJ 0 51.285778 0.194525
TN13 3NL 0 51.285607 0.194058
TN13 3NP 3 51.282087 0.194721
TN13 3NQ 0 51.286749 0.193611
TN13 3NR 0 51.286658 0.196
TN13 3NT 1 51.285009 0.195249