all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 5ES 7 0 51.292025 0.191367
TN14 5EW 3 3 51.298772 0.193667
TN14 5EY 40 0 51.291599 0.191059
TN14 5EZ 5 0 51.301853 0.193813
TN14 5HA 1 0 51.293373 0.174061
TN14 5HD 7 6 51.293948 0.174044
TN14 5HW 22 1 51.294786 0.174428
TN14 5JA 3 0 51.296729 0.177863
TN14 5JB 38 0 51.298658 0.178069
TN14 5JD 5 0 51.299544 0.177852
TN14 5JE 1 0 51.311279 0.181264
TN14 5JF 15 0 51.305496 0.178895
TN14 5JG 4 0 51.311459 0.181716
TN14 5JH 15 0 51.311613 0.175367
TN14 5JJ 5 0 51.312712 0.173884
TN14 5JL 5 0 51.311927 0.172999
TN14 5JN 1 1 51.310968 0.16657
TN14 5JP 35 0 51.312734 0.171718
TN14 5JQ 25 0 51.311175 0.179149
TN14 5JR 4 1 51.31315 0.170619