all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 5JS 12 0 51.313879 0.166678
TN14 5JT 6 1 51.319445 0.165763
TN14 5JU 8 6 51.325852 0.1733
TN14 5JX 35 0 51.310548 0.176121
TN14 5JY 4 0 51.309267 0.175772
TN14 5JZ 14 0 51.30705 0.173674
TN14 5LA 4 0 51.309403 0.175306
TN14 5LB 10 0 51.309438 0.176298
TN14 5LD 29 0 51.309674 0.173296
TN14 5LE 11 0 51.311184 0.17285
TN14 5LF 21 0 51.309891 0.174167
TN14 5LG 32 0 51.3108 0.174138
TN14 5LJ 6 5 51.290768 0.195551
TN14 5LP 4 0 51.30846 0.181503
TN14 5LQ 11 0 51.311625 0.172355
TN14 5LR 20 0 51.3096 0.182604
TN14 5LS 29 0 51.309322 0.183524
TN14 5LT 8 0 51.309683 0.182953
TN14 5LU 19 0 51.309334 0.181415
TN14 5LX 19 0 51.309739 0.180401