all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

find any address or company within the TN17 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 2LA 26 0 51.110535 0.559699
TN17 2LB 14 0 51.109472 0.55861
TN17 2LE 8 0 51.104408 0.538844
TN17 2LF 4 0 51.104894 0.539628
TN17 2LG 11 0 51.105557 0.540608
TN17 2LH 4 0 51.109127 0.544732
TN17 2LJ 6 0 51.1106 0.540713
TN17 2LL 20 0 51.119621 0.535749
TN17 2LP 22 0 51.118097 0.522604
TN17 2LR 13 2 51.11934 0.509168
TN17 2LS 18 5 51.125272 0.514335
TN17 2LT 4 0 51.128856 0.519589
TN17 2LU 4 0 51.129475 0.522152
TN17 2LX 10 0 51.132707 0.536566
TN17 2NA 9 0 51.129536 0.534748
TN17 2NB 2 0 51.129571 0.507608
TN17 2ND 5 0 51.129764 0.50746
TN17 2NE 4 0 51.135392 0.508408
TN17 2NG 6 0 51.13867 0.509501
TN17 2NH 1 1 51.134336 0.50442