all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 2NJ 7 0 51.134327 0.506063
TN17 2NL 8 0 51.133751 0.50233
TN17 2NN 1 0 51.124283 0.482352
TN17 2NP 12 0 51.120452 0.48149
TN17 2NR 4 0 51.120433 0.486219
TN17 2NS 4 0 51.113234 0.48346
TN17 2NU 4 0 51.112753 0.484422
TN17 2NX 6 0 51.110958 0.486024
TN17 2NY 2 0 51.11065 0.487738
TN17 2NZ 5 0 51.110789 0.48843
TN17 2PA 11 7 51.110246 0.490701
TN17 2PB 4 1 51.110091 0.494179
TN17 2PD 6 0 51.116242 0.492967
TN17 2PG 22 0 51.096791 0.525515
TN17 2PH 10 0 51.098636 0.527902
TN17 2PJ 2 2 51.099799 0.527337
TN17 2PL 9 0 51.099757 0.529706
TN17 2PN 28 3 51.102422 0.532522
TN17 2PR 10 0 51.1082 0.54311
TN17 2PP 4 1 51.105855 0.533495