all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 2QX 5 0 51.100897 0.456487
TN17 2QY 6 0 51.096394 0.455963
TN17 2QZ 28 22 51.095309 0.464275
TN17 2RA 10 0 51.08614 0.466658
TN17 2RB 2 0 51.095855 0.456677
TN17 2RD 8 0 51.087214 0.449807
TN17 2RE 12 0 51.086192 0.447068
TN17 2RG 4 0 51.089197 0.446584
TN17 2RJ 10 0 51.090328 0.428064
TN17 2RL 8 0 51.090731 0.428228
TN17 2RN 5 0 51.091446 0.427608
TN17 2RP 7 0 51.087929 0.427596
TN17 2RR 6 0 51.088432 0.425894
TN17 2RS 11 0 51.088167 0.424709
TN17 2RT 9 1 51.087389 0.422869
TN17 2RU 2 0 51.088339 0.423361
TN17 2RX 4 0 51.089837 0.423668
TN17 2RY 6 0 51.09029 0.425663
TN17 2RZ 6 0 51.091408 0.425964
TN17 2SA 3 0 51.088504 0.424184