all postcodes in TN17 / CRANBROOK

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN17 2PQ 4 0 51.097905 0.526833
TN17 2PS 5 0 51.112709 0.534727
TN17 2PT 18 2 51.113054 0.522087
TN17 2PU 1 0 51.111808 0.514803
TN17 2PX 4 1 51.11188 0.513936
TN17 2PY 3 0 51.105874 0.519296
TN17 2PZ 7 0 51.111478 0.511342
TN17 2QA 5 0 51.110613 0.50848
TN17 2QB 6 0 51.109261 0.50775
TN17 2QD 8 0 51.110655 0.502725
TN17 2QE 5 0 51.103402 0.498719
TN17 2QF 8 0 51.102082 0.497762
TN17 2QG 7 0 51.10108 0.489951
TN17 2QJ 6 1 51.095226 0.503334
TN17 2QL 7 4 51.091567 0.516276
TN17 2QP 4 0 51.110804 0.461384
TN17 2QR 9 0 51.108877 0.459368
TN17 2QS 3 0 51.108223 0.460119
TN17 2QT 7 1 51.10833 0.459239
TN17 2QU 10 0 51.102177 0.462698