all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2QR 5 51.136389 0.269015
TN1 2QS 2 51.135959 0.269779
TN1 2QT 0 51.136171 0.270563
TN1 2QU 0 51.136463 0.270806
TN1 2QW 0 51.139559 0.273002
TN1 2QX 3 51.136524 0.269508
TN1 2QY 5 51.136816 0.269265
TN1 2QZ 9 51.137247 0.269801
TN1 2RA 6 51.137441 0.269496
TN1 2RE 0 51.136789 0.270665
TN1 2RF 10 51.137893 0.269847
TN1 2RG 0 51.138007 0.270453
TN1 2RH 1 51.138175 0.269718
TN1 2RJ 0 51.138913 0.268739
TN1 2RL 0 51.139399 0.269191
TN1 2RN 0 51.138944 0.269941
TN1 2RP 0 51.138097 0.269099
TN1 2RQ 0 51.139048 0.269189
TN1 2RR 3 51.137812 0.2694
TN1 2RS 0 51.138052 0.268509