all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2NX 0 51.137765 0.271799
TN1 2NY 1 51.138464 0.271933
TN1 2PA 0 51.138169 0.272791
TN1 2PB 2 51.139691 0.273123
TN1 2PE 1 51.138297 0.271282
TN1 2PF 1 51.138977 0.272387
TN1 2PG 0 51.139007 0.271746
TN1 2PH 0 51.139424 0.273453
TN1 2PL 1 51.13191 0.264393
TN1 2PS 11 51.134654 0.267042
TN1 2PT 14 51.134557 0.267409
TN1 2PW 2 51.135692 0.266494
TN1 2PY 1 51.134557 0.267409
TN1 2QB 2 51.135153 0.268297
TN1 2QD 5 51.135236 0.268215
TN1 2QE 6 51.135296 0.26789
TN1 2QH 0 51.136113 0.267515
TN1 2QJ 0 51.13625 0.268322
TN1 2QL 4 51.135837 0.268644
TN1 2QP 15 51.135902 0.269091