all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

find any address or company within the TN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2TX 1 51.134427 0.265889
TN1 2UG 1 51.133726 0.266326
TN1 2UJ 7 51.133574 0.266733
TN1 2UL 1 51.133167 0.26637
TN1 2UN 15 51.132971 0.267588
TN1 2UU 1 51.134097 0.266187
TN1 2UY 14 51.133275 0.267776
TN1 2WJ 1 51.190126 0.286996
TN1 2XA 1 51.190126 0.286996
TN1 2XB 3 51.133637 0.26805
TN1 2XD 0 51.134617 0.268571
TN1 2XE 0 51.13453 0.267952
TN1 2XH 0 51.135058 0.268564
TN1 2XJ 0 51.135043 0.26935
TN1 2XL 0 51.135304 0.269791
TN1 2XP 1 51.135227 0.268658
TN1 2XW 0 51.135254 0.270503
TN1 2YA 0 51.141252 0.272856
TN1 2YB 1 51.140402 0.270356
TN1 2YW 1 51.134986 0.262986