all postcodes in TN1 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

find any address or company within the TN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 2XN 0 51.133794 0.267444
TN1 2XZ 0 51.134743 0.268134
TN1 2BA 3 0 51.138268 0.269536
TN1 2DW 6 0 51.138103 0.267856
TN1 2BF 1 51.136831 0.26249
TN1 2GA 0 51.1384 0.26827
TN1 2GB 0 51.139542 0.268312
TN1 2GE 0 51.138921 0.267867
TN1 2GD 0 51.138568 0.267535
TN1 2BH 11 0 51.138267 0.265891
TN1 2BZ 2 1 51.134124 0.267502
TN1 2FB 12 0 51.140183 0.269116
TN1 2FD 56 0 51.140559 0.269663
TN1 2FE 28 0 51.140925 0.27071
TN1 2FH 54 0 51.141227 0.271368
TN1 2AA 1 51.134698 0.263871
TN1 2FA 12 0 51.135907 0.26233
TN10 3AB 3 51.201644 0.276072
TN10 3AD 1 51.202967 0.271413
TN10 3AE 0 51.201688 0.276575