all postcodes in TN21 / HEATHFIELD

find any address or company within the TN21 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN21 0TT 0 50.973141 0.204026
TN21 0TU 1 50.975186 0.21126
TN21 0TX 1 50.981493 0.225508
TN21 0UJ 3 50.981627 0.219701
TN21 0TY 1 50.988621 0.222885
TN21 0TZ 0 50.994182 0.229322
TN21 0UA 0 50.994787 0.234396
TN21 0UB 0 50.976894 0.220017
TN21 0UD 1 50.97687 0.220614
TN21 0UG 2 50.982055 0.237047
TN21 0UP 3 50.970335 0.245058
TN21 0UR 0 50.969898 0.241861
TN21 0UT 0 50.970569 0.238759
TN21 0UU 0 50.97032 0.237451
TN21 0UW 0 50.970326 0.240656
TN21 0UX 2 50.969461 0.237182
TN21 0UY 0 50.969153 0.238549
TN21 0UZ 0 50.969716 0.23889
TN21 0WS 1 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 0WU 1 50.971334 0.251374