all postcodes in TN21 / HEATHFIELD

find any address or company within the TN21 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN21 0JF 0 50.932099 0.241551
TN21 0DQ 20 0 50.969623 0.248913
TN21 0LL 2 50.912338 0.232251
TN21 0DZ 1 50.971518 0.198052
TN21 0EP 0 50.972058 0.198463
TN21 0EW 20 0 50.971518 0.198052
TN21 0FB 9 0 50.924499 0.234028
TN21 0FE 0 50.971428 0.199473
TN21 0FH 6 0 50.953381 0.247701
TN21 0FJ 0 50.933191 0.242031
TN21 0FL 0 50.932842 0.241516
TN21 0FN 0 50.933924 0.242293
TN21 0FT 1 0 50.973217 0.218331
TN21 1AQ 1 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 1AR 1 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 1AS 1 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 1AT 1 1 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 1BN 1 1 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 1BQ 0 50.971334 0.251374
TN21 1BU 1 50.971334 0.251374