all postcodes in TN28 / ROMNEY MARSH

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN28 8ET 4 0 50.983651 0.94137
TN28 8EU 15 0 50.984605 0.942093
TN28 8EW 20 0 50.984635 0.935882
TN28 8EX 13 1 50.984582 0.939783
TN28 8EY 31 0 50.984079 0.936887
TN28 8EZ 4 0 50.984807 0.939441
TN28 8GU 1 1 50.987902 0.94399
TN28 8HA 1 0 50.984425 0.938141
TN28 8HB 2 1 50.983802 0.93469
TN28 8HD 9 0 50.985464 0.932592
TN28 8HE 4 0 50.985831 0.93159
TN28 8HF 4 0 50.985705 0.932308
TN28 8HG 1 0 50.987268 0.931652
TN28 8HH 25 0 50.986634 0.932232
TN28 8HL 9 2 50.98623 0.93755
TN28 8HN 6 0 50.987529 0.940654
TN28 8HP 3 0 50.987182 0.937967
TN28 8HQ 22 0 50.98661 0.934967
TN28 8HS 10 1 50.988918 0.943998
TN28 8HT 22 0 50.987128 0.941861