all postcodes in TN28 / ROMNEY MARSH

find any address or company within the TN28 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN28 8DS 4 0 50.984901 0.934275
TN28 8DT 13 0 50.985199 0.935611
TN28 8DU 2 0 50.9851 0.932755
TN28 8DW 12 3 50.98606 0.938965
TN28 8DX 2 0 50.985008 0.933227
TN28 8DY 2 0 50.984917 0.933991
TN28 8DZ 4 0 50.984946 0.933551
TN28 8EA 3 0 50.985198 0.933488
TN28 8EB 2 0 50.985135 0.934247
TN28 8ED 2 0 50.985158 0.934405
TN28 8EE 5 0 50.98519 0.933815
TN28 8EF 1 0 50.985248 0.933342
TN28 8EG 13 0 50.985532 0.935298
TN28 8EJ 6 0 50.984621 0.933209
TN28 8EL 18 0 50.981635 0.968073
TN28 8EN 23 0 50.984833 0.935538
TN28 8EP 2 0 50.985694 0.941706
TN28 8EQ 4 0 50.985331 0.932855
TN28 8ER 5 3 50.984187 0.941162
TN28 8ES 18 0 50.983213 0.943765