all postcodes in TN38 / ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN38 0QW 1 50.856863 0.555356
TN38 0QX 0 50.8598 0.554963
TN38 0QY 0 50.859999 0.554632
TN38 0RA 0 50.859423 0.556179
TN38 0RB 0 50.858179 0.554221
TN38 0RD 1 50.856882 0.553254
TN38 0RE 0 50.858964 0.552643
TN38 0RF 0 50.85947 0.553367
TN38 0RG 2 50.861483 0.555878
TN38 0RH 0 50.860506 0.555754
TN38 0RJ 0 50.860893 0.555549
TN38 0RL 2 50.859521 0.552247
TN38 0RN 0 50.862204 0.552123
TN38 0RP 1 50.862351 0.555927
TN38 0RQ 1 50.861864 0.556553
TN38 0RR 0 50.862584 0.554077
TN38 0RS 0 50.86168 0.553857
TN38 0RT 0 50.860483 0.552683
TN38 0RU 0 50.860961 0.552212
TN38 0RW 0 50.8626 0.552131