all postcodes in TN38 / ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN38 0PP 1 50.85175 0.538666
TN38 0PQ 0 50.858923 0.546288
TN38 0PR 0 50.856194 0.540683
TN38 0PS 0 50.852168 0.544244
TN38 0PT 0 50.853385 0.556047
TN38 0PU 0 50.852229 0.547188
TN38 0PW 0 50.855411 0.539447
TN38 0QA 0 50.857084 0.556179
TN38 0QB 0 50.859281 0.555829
TN38 0QD 0 50.857606 0.555908
TN38 0QE 0 50.856735 0.557466
TN38 0QF 0 50.862731 0.539106
TN38 0QH 0 50.858441 0.555584
TN38 0QL 1 50.85774 0.555405
TN38 0QN 0 50.856902 0.554363
TN38 0QP 0 50.85749 0.555035
TN38 0QQ 0 50.856324 0.55696
TN38 0QS 1 50.858898 0.556719
TN38 0QT 0 50.858771 0.556085
TN38 0QU 0 50.85797 0.552277