all postcodes in TN38 / ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN38 0SX 0 50.859593 0.549792
TN38 0SY 4 50.862612 0.550598
TN38 0TA 13 50.867142 0.554825
TN38 0TB 1 50.8652 0.553723
TN38 0TD 0 50.86593 0.551616
TN38 0TE 0 50.865596 0.550816
TN38 0TF 0 50.865787 0.550998
TN38 0TG 0 50.866003 0.551123
TN38 0TH 0 50.864749 0.551296
TN38 0TJ 1 50.864046 0.552224
TN38 0TL 0 50.865256 0.555687
TN38 0TN 1 50.865639 0.554614
TN38 0TP 2 0 50.86478 0.555932
TN38 0TQ 9 0 50.86618 0.550848
TN38 0TR 21 0 50.864284 0.556543
TN38 0TS 34 0 50.864471 0.554011
TN38 0TT 34 0 50.863931 0.555401
TN38 0TU 37 1 50.863347 0.55581
TN38 0TW 18 0 50.866054 0.555802
TN38 0TY 35 0 50.863547 0.552836