all postcodes in TN38 / ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN38 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN38 0TZ 34 0 50.863236 0.552237
TN38 0UA 26 0 50.860795 0.54541
TN38 0UB 6 0 50.86074 0.545862
TN38 0UD 9 0 50.860129 0.545843
TN38 0UE 15 0 50.859932 0.544155
TN38 0UF 9 0 50.859661 0.546272
TN38 0UG 23 0 50.85928 0.544361
TN38 0UH 17 0 50.86194 0.54155
TN38 0UJ 11 0 50.86289 0.541729
TN38 0UL 8 0 50.859948 0.542564
TN38 0UN 16 0 50.86031 0.540424
TN38 0UP 15 0 50.860221 0.541627
TN38 0UQ 6 0 50.858898 0.543729
TN38 0UR 6 0 50.860446 0.540786
TN38 0UT 24 0 50.860793 0.539313
TN38 0UU 46 4 50.861527 0.53823
TN38 0UW 35 0 50.860184 0.540019
TN38 0UX 5 0 50.859337 0.542943
TN38 0UY 14 0 50.85968 0.543729
TN38 0WA 4 0 50.862745 0.546696