all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN39 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3UE 14 0 50.846169 0.44369
TN39 3UG 15 0 50.840297 0.442346
TN39 3UH 29 0 50.839061 0.437353
TN39 3UJ 16 0 50.8394 0.439217
TN39 3UL 19 0 50.839804 0.437079
TN39 3UN 19 0 50.840575 0.437631
TN39 3UP 16 0 50.840683 0.439369
TN39 3UQ 43 0 50.838763 0.439979
TN39 3UR 20 11 50.8409 0.466087
TN39 3UT 24 0 50.84051 0.440114
TN39 3UW 13 0 50.839689 0.439161
TN39 3UX 19 0 50.840187 0.435551
TN39 3UY 27 0 50.84126 0.434996
TN39 3UZ 18 0 50.840964 0.435833
TN39 3WB 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3WT 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3WY 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3XA 20 0 50.844793 0.465481
TN39 3XB 9 0 50.841457 0.439324
TN39 3XE 1 1 50.840443 0.474243