all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3XN 48 0 50.842308 0.457068
TN39 3XX 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3YA 29 0 50.83664 0.461827
TN39 3YB 29 0 50.836617 0.462522
TN39 3YD 34 0 50.845676 0.450286
TN39 3YF 6 4 50.844106 0.465035
TN39 3YR 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3ZF 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3ZQ 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3WW 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 3DL 0 50.838919 0.459959
TN39 3PT 0 50.841118 0.468073
TN39 3RB 0 50.840819 0.447885
TN39 3PW 0 50.842928 0.467343
TN39 3GD 4 0 50.84541 0.469491
TN39 3TY 0 50.841118 0.446097
TN39 3FB 3 0 50.83683 0.450687
TN39 3FA 29 0 50.838152 0.469889
TN39 3GF 8 0 50.833232 0.430942
TN39 3FD 0 50.842912 0.457015