all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3FE 0 50.844575 0.468552
TN39 3FH 0 50.837982 0.468362
TN39 3FJ 0 50.84485 0.469833
TN39 4AA 38 0 50.84728 0.469505
TN39 4AB 40 0 50.849227 0.469707
TN39 4AD 22 0 50.850447 0.470326
TN39 4AE 27 1 50.85088 0.471542
TN39 4AF 12 0 50.850586 0.470775
TN39 4AG 47 0 50.848971 0.468245
TN39 4AH 42 1 50.85199 0.472014
TN39 4AJ 37 2 50.853289 0.473518
TN39 4AP 14 0 50.850065 0.467549
TN39 4AQ 15 0 50.849656 0.468593
TN39 4AR 22 0 50.850883 0.467564
TN39 4AS 34 0 50.851091 0.469621
TN39 4AT 8 0 50.851951 0.46978
TN39 4AU 50 0 50.852875 0.470143
TN39 4AX 25 0 50.851673 0.468061
TN39 4AY 35 0 50.85204 0.465991
TN39 4AZ 41 0 50.852612 0.466192