all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4QL 22 3 50.844464 0.414778
TN39 4QN 15 1 50.846477 0.410292
TN39 4QP 2 0 50.847297 0.412211
TN39 4QQ 24 0 50.8449 0.421704
TN39 4QR 17 3 50.844614 0.403804
TN39 4QS 7 0 50.845491 0.440827
TN39 4QT 8 0 50.84643 0.435052
TN39 4QU 7 0 50.844607 0.423251
TN39 4QW 1 0 50.846877 0.406591
TN39 4QX 6 0 50.845624 0.410036
TN39 4QY 20 0 50.846691 0.409522
TN39 4QZ 9 0 50.84602 0.408479
TN39 4RA 10 0 50.85931 0.430749
TN39 4RB 17 3 50.859299 0.425207
TN39 4RD 6 0 50.857508 0.429149
TN39 4RE 8 0 50.860703 0.422992
TN39 4RF 7 0 50.861523 0.417962
TN39 4RG 13 0 50.856398 0.427202
TN39 4RH 26 1 50.84766 0.418323
TN39 4RL 1 0 50.842447 0.431549