all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN39 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4RP 6 0 50.843261 0.430483
TN39 4RQ 9 0 50.848141 0.435837
TN39 4RR 6 0 50.843148 0.429426
TN39 4RS 16 0 50.843891 0.42874
TN39 4RT 3 0 50.843513 0.430056
TN39 4RU 3 0 50.842872 0.43015
TN39 4RW 11 0 50.841153 0.432803
TN39 4RX 6 0 50.843555 0.428879
TN39 4RY 5 0 50.844075 0.430255
TN39 4RZ 9 4 50.844868 0.433181
TN39 4SA 3 0 50.845906 0.440792
TN39 4SB 28 5 50.845528 0.43502
TN39 4SD 6 1 50.845188 0.43466
TN39 4SE 4 0 50.844972 0.432321
TN39 4SF 6 0 50.844671 0.432744
TN39 4SG 36 1 50.844889 0.434801
TN39 4SH 4 0 50.844973 0.432733
TN39 4SJ 56 17 50.84465 0.433325
TN39 4SN 34 0 50.841391 0.42959
TN39 4SP 14 1 50.842024 0.433531