all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN39 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 5AR 40 0 50.856163 0.475587
TN39 5AS 30 0 50.857687 0.475853
TN39 5AT 43 0 50.858207 0.475056
TN39 5AU 5 0 50.858828 0.474194
TN39 5AW 10 0 50.856994 0.477109
TN39 5AX 14 2 50.867331 0.479135
TN39 5AY 4 0 50.858568 0.47418
TN39 5AZ 52 0 50.855114 0.475446
TN39 5BA 34 5 50.856051 0.470693
TN39 5BB 36 10 50.856792 0.469695
TN39 5BD 41 2 50.858565 0.465626
TN39 5BE 56 0 50.858133 0.464949
TN39 5BG 44 3 50.856827 0.47143
TN39 5BH 17 0 50.856444 0.471909
TN39 5BJ 39 0 50.857136 0.471717
TN39 5BL 31 2 50.857302 0.472167
TN39 5BN 28 0 50.858644 0.47292
TN39 5BP 36 0 50.858798 0.472231
TN39 5BQ 25 0 50.857851 0.471087
TN39 5BS 6 0 50.858807 0.47121