all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4FE 0 50.840244 0.426363
TN39 4FB 2 0 50.845468 0.434192
TN39 4FA 1 50.854787 0.47263
TN39 4UA 4 0 50.847292 0.450596
TN39 4FD 6 0 50.844759 0.440819
TN39 4FH 27 0 50.844898 0.439504
TN39 4FJ 6 0 50.854287 0.473528
TN39 4FL 2 0 50.853943 0.469816
TN39 5AA 11 0 50.855237 0.473721
TN39 5AB 21 8 50.855988 0.471799
TN39 5AD 6 0 50.854701 0.474146
TN39 5AE 32 16 50.855794 0.471774
TN39 5AF 2 1 50.855437 0.47403
TN39 5AG 4 0 50.855578 0.47476
TN39 5AH 14 1 50.855761 0.473761
TN39 5AJ 23 0 50.8568 0.473575
TN39 5AL 10 0 50.856844 0.475311
TN39 5AN 19 0 50.857012 0.476257
TN39 5AP 3 0 50.855405 0.471909
TN39 5AQ 23 0 50.856063 0.47436