all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN39 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3JR 36 7 50.841433 0.469963
TN39 3JS 58 0 50.84302 0.469791
TN39 3JT 30 0 50.84302 0.469791
TN39 3JU 23 6 50.843461 0.469744
TN39 3JW 42 0 50.838832 0.469201
TN39 3JX 1 1 50.841665 0.470913
TN39 3JY 22 3 50.842644 0.469289
TN39 3LB 62 13 50.845068 0.468466
TN39 3LD 15 0 50.842307 0.469882
TN39 3LE 98 18 50.844689 0.469539
TN39 3LF 8 0 50.842525 0.470206
TN39 3LG 18 15 50.843915 0.467026
TN39 3LJ 9 7 50.841948 0.464323
TN39 3LL 36 0 50.840266 0.463907
TN39 3LN 8 0 50.841545 0.438548
TN39 3LP 14 6 50.840784 0.468553
TN39 3LR 46 10 50.84043 0.465081
TN39 3LS 32 0 50.839891 0.459527
TN39 3LT 16 0 50.840314 0.457361
TN39 3LU 13 0 50.840313 0.455728