all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3HH 66 3 50.837959 0.469469
TN39 3HJ 31 2 50.837204 0.467084
TN39 3HL 41 1 50.836939 0.464286
TN39 3HN 9 0 50.837111 0.466172
TN39 3HP 34 0 50.836991 0.465681
TN39 3HQ 9 0 50.839534 0.46661
TN39 3HR 34 0 50.837368 0.469507
TN39 3HS 6 0 50.837712 0.469824
TN39 3HT 24 0 50.837136 0.468998
TN39 3HW 3 0 50.836817 0.46624
TN39 3HX 40 0 50.837199 0.467994
TN39 3HY 57 0 50.839279 0.468074
TN39 3HZ 58 0 50.838267 0.46829
TN39 3JA 8 5 50.840074 0.46941
TN39 3JB 14 4 50.839739 0.470115
TN39 3JD 48 14 50.838792 0.47025
TN39 3JE 60 12 50.838797 0.469583
TN39 3JH 1 1 50.839035 0.47022
TN39 3JL 36 10 50.839529 0.469422
TN39 3JN 44 0 50.838718 0.468655