all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN3 9QQ 0 51.115377 0.185184
TN3 9LQ 0 51.065336 0.204735
TN3 9JT 4 51.099143 0.232325
TN3 9AF 0 51.103453 0.2954
TN3 9BW 10 0 51.095854 0.26723
TN3 9BY 2 51.107061 0.236835
TN3 9EA 0 51.099424 0.303128
TN3 9EQ 0 51.088813 0.268956
TN30 6AA 1 1 51.070876 0.690072
TN30 6AB 12 6 51.070675 0.690203
TN30 6AD 26 10 51.069768 0.68964
TN30 6AH 8 3 51.069218 0.689033
TN30 6AN 1 1 51.068775 0.687937
TN30 6AP 21 11 51.068918 0.688374
TN30 6AR 13 8 51.068404 0.687273
TN30 6AS 1 1 51.06825 0.686922
TN30 6AT 5 2 51.069128 0.686316
TN30 6AU 23 11 51.068088 0.686059
TN30 6BD 12 8 51.067796 0.686724
TN30 6AW 1 1 51.068497 0.687521