all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6AY 1 1 51.068138 0.686301
TN30 6AZ 15 0 51.069039 0.685854
TN30 6BB 5 2 51.067482 0.685796
TN30 6BH 1 1 51.067905 0.687087
TN30 6BJ 20 14 51.068293 0.687781
TN30 6BN 20 14 51.068721 0.689133
TN30 6BT 20 5 51.080102 0.694434
TN30 6BU 32 0 51.081482 0.692715
TN30 6BW 27 23 51.068343 0.688643
TN30 6BX 43 0 51.081088 0.692249
TN30 6BY 17 0 51.082473 0.692244
TN30 6BZ 8 0 51.080859 0.693621
TN30 6DA 30 0 51.081709 0.693799
TN30 6DB 6 0 51.081779 0.695074
TN30 6DD 17 1 51.082861 0.69378
TN30 6DE 2 0 51.082806 0.692952
TN30 6DH 3 0 51.083989 0.692047
TN30 6DJ 1 1 51.084621 0.691555
TN30 6DL 7 4 51.084444 0.69143
TN30 6DN 1 0 51.08442 0.6913