all postcodes in TN6 / HARTFIELD

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN6 1BS 0 51.064851 0.158111
TN6 1BT 0 51.063667 0.158298
TN6 1BU 4 51.059508 0.1624
TN6 1BW 0 51.059334 0.157725
TN6 1BX 3 51.059271 0.162589
TN6 1BY 0 51.056395 0.159174
TN6 1BZ 0 51.057305 0.158631
TN6 1DA 8 51.058814 0.162953
TN6 1DE 12 51.059109 0.162068
TN6 1DF 10 51.05874 0.162607
TN6 1DG 3 51.058467 0.162895
TN6 1DL 29 51.058455 0.161938
TN6 1DQ 0 51.055813 0.157092
TN6 1DR 6 51.057084 0.161346
TN6 1DS 0 51.055427 0.161326
TN6 1DT 0 51.055611 0.160236
TN6 1DU 0 51.056826 0.158594
TN6 1DX 0 51.056065 0.158559
TN6 1DY 0 51.05676 0.159861
TN6 1DZ 0 51.057698 0.158778