all postcodes in TN6 / HARTFIELD

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN6 1FX 0 51.05404 0.161575
TN6 1GQ 0 51.060213 0.160735
TN6 1HA 3 51.053487 0.160707
TN6 1HB 1 51.051445 0.157459
TN6 1HD 0 51.050893 0.156078
TN6 1HE 0 51.050676 0.156596
TN6 1HF 0 51.050122 0.153973
TN6 1HG 2 51.052005 0.159169
TN6 1HH 1 51.052429 0.157719
TN6 1HJ 0 51.050686 0.157153
TN6 1HL 1 51.049737 0.15484
TN6 1HN 0 51.049356 0.154195
TN6 1HP 0 51.048447 0.15177
TN6 1HR 0 51.049744 0.156524
TN6 1HS 0 51.05018 0.156302
TN6 1HT 2 51.047334 0.156041
TN6 1HU 0 51.0472 0.155407
TN6 1HW 0 51.048047 0.152008
TN6 1HX 0 51.047505 0.153082
TN6 1HY 0 51.049896 0.164721