all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 5LR 6 0 51.199225 0.069165
TN8 5LS 12 0 51.19955 0.066589
TN8 5LT 30 0 51.199026 0.066179
TN8 5LU 1 1 51.200499 0.062339
TN8 5LX 1 1 51.19968 0.064435
TN8 5NA 23 0 51.200414 0.065098
TN8 5NB 14 2 51.201219 0.0637
TN8 5ND 1 1 51.201419 0.06374
TN8 5NF 17 4 51.181681 0.074661
TN8 5NG 1 1 51.181758 0.07604
TN8 5NH 18 2 51.176996 0.080217
TN8 5NJ 10 0 51.172001 0.088119
TN8 5NL 25 1 51.168498 0.090879
TN8 5NP 1 1 51.163561 0.090871
TN8 5NQ 18 0 51.190737 0.074681
TN8 5NR 17 1 51.164687 0.100646
TN8 5NS 10 0 51.166047 0.11068
TN8 5NT 3 1 51.165097 0.108875
TN8 5NU 2 0 51.165048 0.109073
TN8 5NW 3 0 51.198215 0.065372