all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 5NX 10 0 51.164165 0.109306
TN8 5NY 37 0 51.203313 0.054205
TN8 5PA 12 0 51.161589 0.114009
TN8 5PB 2 0 51.159604 0.109769
TN8 5PE 1 0 51.15761 0.112239
TN8 5PF 1 1 51.197886 0.06414
TN8 5PG 7 0 51.155496 0.116247
TN8 5PH 2 0 51.164921 0.121068
TN8 5PJ 14 0 51.203912 0.05237
TN8 5PL 1 0 51.185075 0.068505
TN8 5PN 20 5 51.17921 0.070589
TN8 5PP 12 6 51.184454 0.062265
TN8 5PR 10 0 51.177184 0.063616
TN8 5PS 16 0 51.170843 0.065736
TN8 5PT 8 1 51.179306 0.057001
TN8 5PU 2 0 51.180118 0.057264
TN8 5PW 1 0 51.182232 0.070567
TN8 5PX 2 0 51.178456 0.057133
TN8 5PZ 12 0 51.202658 0.053088
TN8 5QA 4 0 51.179978 0.057159