all postcodes in TQ4 / PAIGNTON

find any address or company within the TQ4 postcode district

Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ4 6BW 1 1 50.437465 -3.557827
TQ4 6BX 2 1 50.429077 -3.562552
TQ4 6BY 7 0 50.428646 -3.561564
TQ4 6BZ 6 1 50.429137 -3.558468
TQ4 6DA 49 0 50.428037 -3.560685
TQ4 6DB 7 2 50.429355 -3.557603
TQ4 6DD 4 0 50.428952 -3.555477
TQ4 6DE 9 0 50.429372 -3.556336
TQ4 6DF 7 0 50.42967 -3.556937
TQ4 6DG 51 3 50.430291 -3.556239
TQ4 6DH 42 2 50.430808 -3.555933
TQ4 6DJ 11 0 50.430635 -3.556772
TQ4 6DL 18 2 50.431062 -3.557124
TQ4 6DN 50 4 50.429149 -3.560541
TQ4 6DP 20 0 50.428406 -3.559317
TQ4 6DQ 24 0 50.431088 -3.554057
TQ4 6DR 6 0 50.429878 -3.559521
TQ4 6DS 24 6 50.431896 -3.558237
TQ4 6DT 12 12 50.431569 -3.556424
TQ4 6DU 3 3 50.432784 -3.558124