all postcodes in TQ4 / PAIGNTON

find any address or company within the TQ4 postcode district

Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ4 6AP 1 1 50.434234 -3.560692
TQ4 6AR 10 0 50.433843 -3.561608
TQ4 6AS 11 1 50.433401 -3.561357
TQ4 6AT 42 9 50.433496 -3.562681
TQ4 6AU 33 14 50.435933 -3.562761
TQ4 6AW 26 4 50.434209 -3.56186
TQ4 6AX 40 14 50.437249 -3.561875
TQ4 6AY 23 10 50.436631 -3.561927
TQ4 6AZ 8 3 50.436274 -3.561435
TQ4 6BA 24 7 50.435747 -3.561812
TQ4 6BD 1 1 50.435859 -3.560886
TQ4 6BE 15 2 50.436281 -3.560928
TQ4 6BG 63 1 50.437973 -3.562138
TQ4 6BH 26 0 50.428548 -3.560139
TQ4 6BJ 1 1 50.438483 -3.561043
TQ4 6BL 5 5 50.438864 -3.56014
TQ4 6BP 24 1 50.435032 -3.560816
TQ4 6BQ 1 1 50.436847 -3.560933
TQ4 6BT 7 0 50.428577 -3.56135
TQ4 6BU 64 6 50.428209 -3.562634