all postcodes in TQ7 / KINGSBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ7 4DP 19 0 50.34411 -3.766559
TQ7 4DQ 5 0 50.326894 -3.77317
TQ7 4DR 5 0 50.346047 -3.782289
TQ7 4DS 2 0 50.346094 -3.784605
TQ7 4DT 1 0 50.341197 -3.794109
TQ7 4DU 23 4 50.339393 -3.803752
TQ7 4EA 7 4 50.349591 -3.806697
TQ7 4DW 6 0 50.350136 -3.767874
TQ7 4DX 5 2 50.348484 -3.79049
TQ7 4DY 3 0 50.352749 -3.788748
TQ7 4DZ 7 0 50.360089 -3.79282
TQ7 4EB 4 0 50.354552 -3.789659
TQ7 4ED 5 0 50.333681 -3.806669
TQ7 4EE 3 1 50.332673 -3.817798
TQ7 4EF 13 0 50.341779 -3.816267
TQ7 4ER 6 0 50.340418 -3.829664
TQ7 4EG 10 0 50.337347 -3.833902
TQ7 4EH 8 0 50.327564 -3.824698
TQ7 4EJ 14 0 50.324341 -3.81674
TQ7 4EL 6 0 50.320989 -3.806806