all postcodes in TQ7 / KINGSBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ7 4EN 2 0 50.320443 -3.826238
TQ7 4EP 1 0 50.316532 -3.910555
TQ7 4EQ 4 0 50.334186 -3.832446
TQ7 4ES 2 0 50.31876 -3.900402
TQ7 4ET 2 0 50.313806 -3.908
TQ7 4EU 5 1 50.307153 -3.924208
TQ7 4EX 2 0 50.312329 -3.926102
TQ7 4EY 1 0 50.318392 -3.930254
TQ7 4EZ 1 0 50.323039 -3.934769
TQ7 4HA 19 0 50.320406 -3.917271
TQ7 4HB 1 0 50.32285 -3.900427
TQ7 4HD 3 0 50.321255 -3.880696
TQ7 4HE 1 0 50.317188 -3.892981
TQ7 4HF 7 0 50.309012 -3.892501
TQ7 4HG 23 0 50.310019 -3.87698
TQ7 4HH 7 0 50.306159 -3.884847
TQ7 4HJ 16 0 50.299604 -3.893027
TQ7 4HL 41 1 50.297926 -3.894982
TQ7 4HN 1 0 50.296176 -3.891444
TQ7 4HP 8 0 50.29649 -3.893717