all postcodes in TR12 / HELSTON

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
TR12 6DN9050.069158-5.161085
TR12 6DP25150.065644-5.156648
TR12 6DR2050.064973-5.14915
TR12 6DS11050.060383-5.140357
TR12 6DT3050.063128-5.131984
TR12 6DU7050.058311-5.130482
TR12 6DW13150.06545-5.157501
TR12 6DX1050.052276-5.13178
TR12 6DY3150.049381-5.14003
TR12 6DZ6150.046243-5.146586
TR12 6EA13050.049114-5.152167
TR12 6EB1050.054989-5.149199
TR12 6ED3050.056574-5.155423
TR12 6EE4050.059607-5.159339
TR12 6EF6050.058849-5.172914
TR12 6EG1050.064161-5.168089
TR12 6EN10050.075412-5.116472
TR12 6EP8050.0678-5.094706
TR12 6ER1050.069566-5.099321
TR12 6ES8050.08076-5.086371