all postcodes in TR12 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR12 6AA 26 0 50.078977 -5.206159
TR12 6AB 9 0 50.079453 -5.206485
TR12 6AD 25 1 50.080937 -5.203532
TR12 6AE 6 0 50.082054 -5.194411
TR12 6AF 9 1 50.071571 -5.186641
TR12 6AG 2 0 50.065245 -5.180068
TR12 6AH 7 0 50.071169 -5.196665
TR12 6AJ 6 0 50.075317 -5.208361
TR12 6AL 1 0 50.079837 -5.206594
TR12 6AQ 1 0 50.075094 -5.200169
TR12 6AS 11 0 50.07805 -5.208432
TR12 6AT 11 2 50.078302 -5.207718
TR12 6AU 28 0 50.077315 -5.208648
TR12 6AX 26 0 50.075811 -5.211637
TR12 6AY 12 2 50.07274 -5.214381
TR12 6AZ 10 0 50.075496 -5.21978
TR12 6BA 8 0 50.078387 -5.226065
TR12 6BB 26 0 50.083361 -5.237434
TR12 6BD 15 0 50.084545 -5.231124
TR12 6BE 4 1 50.086953 -5.228933