all postcodes in TR27 / HAYLE

find any address or company within the TR27 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR27 4HP 7 0 50.182439 -5.423816
TR27 4ER 1 0 50.18269 -5.422615
TR27 4HQ 2 2 50.183964 -5.420657
TR27 4HR 1 1 50.183953 -5.421585
TR27 4HT 1 1 50.183947 -5.422383
TR27 4HU 1 1 50.184905 -5.423768
TR27 4HW 44 3 50.181449 -5.423213
TR27 4HX 30 0 50.180758 -5.421944
TR27 4HY 57 3 50.177854 -5.424917
TR27 4JL 34 0 50.175797 -5.426941
TR27 4JA 1 1 50.180352 -5.424423
TR27 4JB 21 0 50.1776 -5.42347
TR27 4JE 4 0 50.178016 -5.423079
TR27 4JH 1 0 50.175184 -5.427584
TR27 4JN 6 0 50.176785 -5.424882
TR27 4JP 17 0 50.192652 -5.404788
TR27 4JQ 29 0 50.17701 -5.423343
TR27 4JR 14 0 50.188066 -5.415419
TR27 4JS 6 1 50.187462 -5.421261
TR27 4JT 14 1 50.187431 -5.420796